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  • Rolex Daytona 6239 Newman 3 colors
    manufactured in 1969
    Lifetime warranty on originality
    Overhauled – One year warranty on function

Rolex Daytona ref. 6239 Newman

Prezzo su richiesta - Call For Price

Rolex Daytona ref. 6239 Newman
Serial 20032**,1969

Steel in very good condition
Serial and reference are perfectly visible between the lugs

original Rolex Newman white 3 color dial
in perfect condition

Case back:
original Rolex 6239
in very good condition

leather strap

Accessories: none

Price on Request

Newman dials were produced from 1967 until about 1972.

Only five years of production, during which time the dial had small but significant graphic changes that allow it to be placed in a specific year of production.

Few watches were originally marketed with Newman dials. In most cases they were optional dials designed for the American market, the most driving market at the time, and often not even in the catalog.

Despite this, I personally had occasion to see a record where Rolex USA in mid-1971 returned 700 Newman dials to Geneva because they remained unsold, about half of the estimated total number of Newman dials produced (1500 or so).

This resulted in the Newman dials that remained in stock being fitted, not by Rolex but by dealers and private individuals who had the availability, to all 4-digit reference Daytonas in the following years at random.

The Rolex Newman is undoubtedly the watch most dreamed of and coveted by collectors around the world.


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